Small Business ERP

Enterprise Resource Planning systems for small businesses that put you in control

Tracker was founded by Will, based on over twenty years of personal experience of working in ‘physical products’ businesses. He knew that ERP software is the basis of a successful small business but that no existing solution was meeting their needs. That’s why he created Tracker.

From inventory management through to integration with Xero and Shopify, Tracker provides a complete ERP toolkit for small business retailers and wholesalers alike, however complex the operation. Our ERP system will allow you to easily tap information from across departments and operations for faster, more profitable decisions.

Since its launch in June 2018, Tracker has been adopted by a wide range of businesses, from clothing companies to contact lens manufacturers. But we don’t rest on our laurels. Tracker is constantly evolving to ensure the best customer experience. 

Core Components

Think of these modules as your foundations. They’ll save you time and help your business run smoothly. That's why we give you automatic access to all core components from day one.

Extension Options

As your business evolves, your requirements will change too. And we're here to grow with you. Our extension options mean you can add all the extras you need, just when you need them.


We appreciate that one-size-fits-all approaches don't work. So, as well as our flexible module system, we also offer bolt- ons. These customized extras could include e-commerce, or other specialized integrations.

Integrated With The World's Best Apps

Solutions that meet your small business’ unique ERP needs

Fast growing multi-channel retailers have relied on our ERP cloud solutions throughout their growth and development. From single to multiple locations, from in-store to ecommerce, we’re here to support your small business’ ERP transformation.

Tracker helps small businesses take control of their day-to-day work. Combining automation and human expertise, tasks such as production, picking, customer ordering and procurement are simplified for greater efficiency that allows your business to grow.

Integrated With The World's Leading Marketplaces

Core Components

Tracker is supplied with six core components that enable any product-driven SME to thrive and grow. This complete pricing and functionality control includes:

"You need a professional system"

– Archie, A Hume Country Clothing

Extension Options

Tracker offers a wide range of extension options for small businesses that caters to the unique needs and demands of your SME. These deliver increased functionality to manage your business requirements:

In addition, we can offer bespoke extensions to meet your individual needs.

Why Switch to Tracker ERP?

Take your business to the next level with our Tracker ERP system. With our comprehensive solution that works across your entire business, you connect data, processes and systems.

From simplifying back-office processes to tracking inventory, the need for an effective ERP system is as vital as ever. And that’s exactly what Tracker offers.

Key Features

Stock Control

Ensure you know your exact stock situation with Tracker. It allows for complete visibility and traceability and delivers accurate stock level management.

Sales & Purchasing

Fulfil your sales potential through better control supply chain management. Monitor stock for better purchasing decisions.


Your website integrates seamlessly with Tracker for a complete purchasing management solution.

E-commerce and Marketplace integration

Have a complete overview of your sales channels, eliminating overselling and delivering improved customer service through combining websites and marketplaces.

Warehouse automation

Maximise picking efficiency, save manhours, reduce costs and drive business growth with an integrated Goods-to-Person solution.


We appreciate that one-size-fits-all approaches don't work. So, as well as our flexible module system, we also offer bolt- ons. These customized extras could include e-commerce, or other specialized integrations.