What is an ERP anyway?!

Tech people love TLAs.

Three Letter Acronyms.

If you’ve ended up here, chances are you might have been looking for an ERP, or SAP, or a WMS, or maybe even a CRM. A well meaning tech person might have told you you ‘need one’.

Firstly, let’s break those down.

ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning. Basically running a business. All of it.

CRM = Customer Relationship Management. Running the customer/sales side of a business. Might include marketing, orders, quotes, emails. Probably the most popular term of the past decade.

WMS = Warehouse Management System. Running a warehouse, and all the things in it.

SAP = massive software company (Systems Applications & Products in Data Processing) who provide ERP to many of the biggest companies in the world.

WTF = come on, you know this one really, don’t you?

Early on when building I was Tracker I would get asked if it was a CRM, or an ERP, or sometimes a WMS.

The answer isn’t simple, because we’ve definitely incorporated some of the features of those types of products into our solution. But we’re also not trying to fit into any of those categories.

We recognise that there are brilliant solutions out there for big businesses, and brilliant solutions for E-Commerce (hello Shopify), and Accounts (hello Xero) that are already used by thousands of businesses.

We’re interested in everything that happens from when you sell something, until the transactions are in your accounts package. This means we have to interact with both e-commerce (and EPOS*) and accounts systems, but we’re here to make all the stuff in the middle work really well.

I’m not sure which TLA applies.

HTH – Here to Help?

GSD – Get Stuff Done?

Your suggestions are welcome.

* EPOS = Electronic Point of Sale. Tills in shops, basically. Throwing an FLA (four letter acronym) into an article about Three Letter Acronyms seemed too good to resist.

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